Tuesday, March 4, 2014

legitimate work from home jobs

legitimate work from home jobs

As the husband of a kindergarten teacher and grandfather to six, all five and under, ABCs are pretty routine around the house. I almost have the refrigerator ABC magnet memorized!
The truth of the matter when it comes to business, you are really beyond your ABCs. Whether you know it or not, you have amassed great wisdom through the years. Perhaps you have never been in business before, but YOU have transferable skills; skills that you learned in life that will apply to your home based business. So let's take a quick look at the C, D, and Es of your business.
legitimate work from home jobs- Cash
Cash, a word that is actually losing its original meaning. With the ever-increasing use of credit/debit cards, actual cash isn't used too much these days. But it does mean MONEY in any form. So how do you earn cash from your home based business? There are two ways:
  1. "Now" Money
  2. Residual Money
"Now" money is money that you get paid immediately after the sale of a product or service. Depending on the type of business you want to run, payment can occur at the time of the sale, like when you are selling cookies or candy.
Or, your "now" payments can occur a week or so after your company processes the sale. This is a very typical way to get paid. For me, it's one of the best ways, especially if there is no inventory (product) you have to buy up front.
If you get paid month after month for the sale of just one product or service, that's residual income. If you get paid helping others sell the same product or service, that's residual income. And, if you are in the right company, your residual income should NEVER stop even if you do.
legitimate work from home jobs- Desire & Ease
Besides size, what is the number one reason women buy clothes? They like them. You wouldn't buy an "ugly" dress to wear to a fancy party, unless it was a fancy ugly dress party I guess. The same logic works for the business you choose. You must desire and be passionate about your business so that you can share it with others. If you are not passionate about your business and you present your product like Eeyore the donkey, you will not be in business for long.
I specifically choose the word ease as opposed to easy. Easy implies little work. And having a home based business is truly work. You need to treat it like a nine to five job even if you are only working it one hour each day. But having a business that works with ease is one that your customers willingly buy from you. In fact if you have a business that people habitually use and unconsciously buy your product or service, that will make your job selling with "ease!"
Following the C, D, and Es for finding a home based business job is pretty simple. Ask 3 simple questions.
  1. When and how much do I get paid?
  2. Am I or at least can I get passionate about my new venture?
  3. Can I do this with ease?
If you are serious about starting a home business that generates NOW and RESIDUAL CASH, is DESIRED by everyone and you can be successful with EASE then .There is only one home based business that I can recommend right now that has stood the test of time. Yet, because of the industry growth, it generated its first $1 Billion in revenue faster than Microsoft AND it gave away over $90 Million in 2013 to its consultants. for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wally_Kassebaum

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