Friday, February 28, 2014

5 Reasons Graduates Should Be Talking About Online Jobs

The problem of graduate unemployment has bedeviled many a nation for decades, and has caused increasing dissatisfaction among youths who should be vibrant propellers of national development.
In recent times, offline jobs have steadily declined in inverse proportion to advancements in communication technology. However, this trend should be seen as a blessing rather than a curse. In fact, the paradigm shift from desk jobs to internet jobs is an effective solution to high unemployment rates.
With basic literacy skills, sufficient knowledge in any academic discipline, and proficiency in internet use, every graduate can become successfully self-employed in the 21st century.
The internet has become a great revenue stream for many governments, traditional brick-and-mortar stores, and also individuals who turn to it as a business tool, using it to market products and services, handle customer and client issues, and also facilitate relationships.
Statistics reveal that in 2011, 18 million consumers purchased something online every week and business-to-business sales stood at $4 trillion for the same year.
Three ways graduates can make profit over the internet
The following are operations that graduates can consider to make money online as self-employed workers or even job creators:
  • Creating a site that sells valuable content: a graduate that is seeking for job can create a site with content so compelling that people will pay to see it. Some content sites provide specialized information that has value for a large number of customers, who are charged a subscription fee for access to certain information and services such as; game playing, web hosting etc.
  • Selling merchandise or service online:a website can be used to sell everything from laptops to biscuits at a profit. eBay is an example of this online business model. It made a profit of about $1 billion in 2006.
  • Creating a website or blog that will sell advertising space: Advertisers spent more than $16 billion in 2006 for online exposure. Online advertising can come as paid search ads, display ads, and classified ads.
5 advantages of online jobs graduates should consider
The following are benefits online jobs possess which every graduate should consider:
  1. Cheap and easy set up:online jobs are cost effective. the basic expenses involved are; cost of setting up a website and internet subscription fee.
  2. Greater money making opportunity:with an online job, one need not be limited to a single employer or source of income.
  3. Flexibility of location: provided there is availability of internet connection, one can work from anywhere he/she chooses from.
  4. Bigger network of customers and clients: with online jobs, it is possible to reach a global audience characterized by the boundlessness of the internet.
  5. Age does not matter: since online jobs require minimal physical exertion, age is not an issue when compared to jobs where age requirement can rule out older graduates.
Thank you for reading this post.
I am an experienced web designer, webmaster, and web content expert. i am also the Founder and CEO of To get started with an online job, you will need a website. You may contact us via to build, design and optimize a website for you at an affordable price.
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